Her Favorite Word in the English Language

     God has blessed abundantly in ministry throughout our time in South Korea!  It is always good to see God moving in hearts, touching lives and changing the eternal destinies of so many.  But, one afternoon I had a heart-wrenching encounter that fundamentally changes the way you view God's power to change a human heart!
North Korean border guards on patrol.  
Searching for attempted escapes is a 
major concern by Kim Jong-un, the 32 
year-old leader of the world's most 
repressive regime.

     It's impossible to tell it all.  But we sat on the floor across the 10 inch-high table from some North Korean young people who were escapees.   They had  made the incredible journey to South Korea.  Meeting them was a tremendous eye-opening experience in itself.  But hearing their testimonies left you speechless.

     The sorrows, the pain, the suffering was impossible to comprehend.  I've never met people that had personally suffered so much.  Most of them never even knew the name of Jesus Christ until after they had made the arduous and hair-raising escape from North Korea, through China and hundreds of miles down to Laos, Thailand or other nations.  From there, they hope to get permission to travel to South Korea.  Approximately 30,000 have made the journey successfully.

This North Korean border guard is one 
of thousands who know little, if any-
thing, about the world outside her borders.
     Well, that word "successfully", is used very loosely.  Even after arriving, they have to endure months of inquiries, debriefings and thorough investigation.  Perhaps worse yet is the fact that they are already so starved and weakened that their lives and bodies will never be the same again.  

     The emotional strain they have faced is impossible to grasp.  Their drawings and artwork are those of hideous monsters who are murdering and maiming the old, the middle aged and even the tiniest of children.  Most tragic of all, a large number decide that even after a year or two in South Korea, they are unable to cope.  Suicide is the scourge of the defectors.  

     Yet, a large number have found Jesus!  Their lives are still very hard, but many have found the one thing their heart longs for the most.  We were talking to some of the young people at a local school who were learning English.  I had the idea to ask one young woman what her favorite English word was.  She had a blank look on her face that made me think she didn't understand the question.  But finally, she smiled and said, "Love."  

     Her favorite word in English was the very thing she had found when she met Jesus.  He loved her.  That contrasted strongly with the young man who told of growing up in North Korea fighting viciously with his own mother each day over the scraps of food they had to eat.  Thank God for love!

     Please pray for those who are working with North Korean defectors.  Pray for a particular school we visited.  Pray that God will meet their needs as they labor to help these poor souls recover their humanity.  That will only be possible by helping them find the true Lover of their souls!

Beyond Frontiers


  1. Bro. and Sis.Akers,
    My children and I just finished reading your August 2016 newsletter around the breakfast table! They sat there listening intently; asking questions until the light came on...."That's the preacher that came to our church". They were very interested in reading your blog post also😃. Here in Moultrie Georgia, the Hunter family lifts you and your labors up in prayer! May God Bless you!!!


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