If It's True About A Horse, Then What About An Elephant?

     India is famous for their myriad forms of art.  Sculpture, painting, textiles, pottery, architecture -- the list goes on and on.  One of the little, simple things you see everywhere is the watercolor paintings of famous scenes throughout Indian history.  If an Indian has nothing else in the world left to his name, he would be most happy if he only had some epic scene painted on a silk screen, or a piece of canvas.  Even if it was only on a lowly banana leaf or palm frond, it would be enough.  

     Recently I found a photo someone had snapped of one of these typical scenes.  But this time, instead of a Raj king heading off to war, the gods in mischief, or any other legendary scene, it was a humorous sight.  I think you'll like it too.

     The American equivalent that comes to my mind is, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!"  I suppose that is true.  But I imagine that if the animal in question were an elephant rather than a horse, it would be a difficult challenge indeed!  

     India is a land where you can see almost anything just about anywhere at almost any time.  I've seen elephants chained to two trees, I've seen baby elephants that had to be kept in by 5" x 5" beams of wood because they were strong enough to "tear the house down" even in their youth!  I've even seen full grown elephants with all four legs bound together with ropes balancing and swaying along in the back of a tiny Toyota pickup truck on the main highway.  Yes, only in India...!

     But really, there's something much, much more incredible that I've seen in India (...and Sudan, and Kenya, and Germany, and Panama, and Venezuela, and a host of other countries).  It's not an elephant being led somewhere, but it's the hearts of men, women and children that the Holy Spirit was trying to lead to the Savior.  But, just like in the photo above, they resisted, they pulled away and they stubbornly refused to submit to the only thing in the world that would help them:  Repentance, faith and true salvation!

     You've seen it as well.  You don't have to go to a foreign country to be amazed at the audacity of the human heart.  Preaching the Gospel in your own backyard to the neighbors and the friends of your hometown is enough to show you just how foolish someone can be.  The greatest gift of life is before them, but they would rather rebel and refuse than to surrender and be saved.  It's impossible to fathom with our finite minds.

     The good news is that not everyone is that way!  Many may perish, but some will respond if only they can hear.  Very recently my son and I returned from eastern Europe.  Many there are cold and insensitive to the God of the Bible, the God that fills much of their historical background story.  But in the midst of those lost millions, there are some who are hungering for something more than they have.  

     The contrast was great.  God opened a door to allow us visit some immigrants living in a city of eastern Germany.  The immigrants were Palestinians, Syrians, Serbians, Kurds, Lebanese, Saudi, Chechen and others.  All were Muslims.  But, the lot came to church and sat through a couple of days of children's ministry.  They were a rowdy group -- it reminded me of ministry in Venezuela.  On the back row, I introduced myself to the 5 men sitting together.  Their names were (in order!):  Muhammad, Muhammad, Muhammad, Masool, and Muhammad.  I knew it was going to be an interesting day!

An unhappy Palestinian
momentarily smiling.
     The Palestinians just wanted to know if I loved Israel or if I loved the Palestinians.  The Lebanese were intent on telling me how they could never return home.  The Chechens were wild, literally!  Trying to control those children was like trying to control the Amazon River with a sandbag.  One Syrian had lived 13 years in Spain so he was intent on speaking Spanish with me.  The Saudi tried to arrange a marriage with her brother  and a woman in our group all on the telephone, all while the service unfolded.

     But Boyan and his wife, their daughter and their chubby son Mario who was the first boy who had opened up this whole opportunity of ministry, were different.  No agenda, no driving urge to convince me of the evils of the Israeli government, they were different.  They listened.  They were concerned about their children.  They were concerned about the last "sensible" and friendly family the government of Germany was moving out of their apartment building.  They felt all alone among a building full of "crazy people" (more radical Muslims living in their building).  Their hearts were touched.  They were hungry for more.  They were one family of only a handful that returned for a third day to learn more about Jesus, the church and salvation.  

     And there was little Jamie.  A mother who couldn't care less about her whereabouts all day long, a misery of a home life, and too many other sad tales to tell.  But, she comes to church and she craves the attention of someone who will love her.  Was she ever so happy when we went by with the missionary family to wish her a Happy Birthday!  But she needs a second birthday, a New Birth.

     They are all in the care and custodianship of the Spirit of God.  I can't write them, call them or see them.  But I can trust the Holy Ghost to lead them if they will only follow.  Please pray that they will be born again and transformed by the power of Christ.  Pray that they will be victorious over the most vicious monster that most Muslims fight against in coming to Jesus -- the reproach and shame heaped upon them by their community, the feeling of abandonment when they cross the line over to the real Jesus of the Bible and lose everything they've ever held dear.  Non-conformity and loss of community are gigantic issues for Muslims leaving Islam.

     So, would you help us pray for the reluctant souls we meet each day?  Please pray that God will move by the power of Holy Ghost conviction and prod them to repentance.  I will pray that God will do the same for your loved ones and neighbors right there where you are.

     Thank you for your friendship and concern for souls around the world.  That starts right next door to you house.  We want you to know that we pray for you, for your family and your outreach to those God has brought into your path.


Beyond Frontiers  


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