There Is a Silver Lining
We watched hundreds cross at this bridge just last week. |
If you read the last blog post, you'd say Venezuela is in a horrible situation. They are. There's no doubt of that. But having spent the last few weeks with them in Colombia, I can truly say that there is a silver lining to their tragedy.
What does the future hold? No one knows. Surely it is a future of bleakness and continued suffering. When will things change? Only our Father in Heaven knows the answer to that. But one thing is for sure: God has been using the misery and agony of Venezuela to try and reach their hearts. Venezuelans have now learned first hand what all the rest of us need to grasp. Let me explain.
The border city in which we spent the last week. |
Venezuelans have now learned that Politics can never save anyone. Their hopes have been dashed, their politicians have lied to them, the system has become so corrupt that no one can believe anymore.
Likewise, Venezuelans have learned that money can never save anyone. Just in the last few weeks the Venezuelan money has devalued from about 650,000 Bolivares to 1 US dollar, to over 930,000 per US dollar. Last week they could only buy one small bag of corn flour with 2 weeks' worth of salary. Now it takes 3 weeks of salary.
Venezuela is headed for worse chaos it seems. Last Sunday while we were still in Colombia, the Venezuelan President "won another term in power". It was a landslide, if the announced results of the voting are to be believed. Monday morning was devastating to hopeless and homeless Venezuelans on thousands of street corners throughout the world as the details emerged. Votes are not enough to remove corrupt and ruthless men from office.
The only question that must be answered is very simple. Now that Venezuelans have the benefit of knowing nothing in this world is certain, will they turn to Jesus in time? Please pray earnestly for a true revival to come to churches in Colombia and in other nations where Venezuelans have scattered. Pray those believers will arise and take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a people who are in deep despair. Pray that God will enable us to reach the nation we love so much with the message of hope and salvation!
Will you please pray?
Beyond Frontiers
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