NEW!!! Beyond Frontiers Web Site!

We want you to be the first to know about the
Beyond Frontiers website!

It's been in the making for quite a while, but, we're finally ready to launch the website!  Yes, we are grateful to the Lord for helping us accomplish a goal we've had for a long, long time.

We hope it will enable you to find out more about what God is doing in India and throughout the world.  In addition to our blog, direct emails and printed newsletter, we are endeavoring to keep you more informed.  We earnestly covet your prayers. It has been our firm conviction that there is no better prayer warrior than a committed, dedicated, and informed prayer warrior.

We believe that "...the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man..." (woman, boy or girl too!) avails much. 'Availeth' in the King James Bible is an extremely interesting word.  Let me explain.

The Greek word translated, 'availeth' is 'ischuo'.  It can mean several things.  Essentially, it means to "have (or exercise) force, to prevail, to be of strength."  I think there is no better description of what transpires when good, righteous, holy individuals raise their voices in prayer to the Lord.  It's not because of any power in us.  Rather, it is because of the power that rests in the One to Whom we are praying!  

Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do (ischuo) all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."  There's that word again!  This 'availing much' is a spiritual 'can do' spirit if I may express it that way.

Remember the mighty move of God in Ephesus where people were so shaken by true revival that they repented and brought their books of magic and witchcraft together and burned them?  They were so surrendered to the Lord that the monetary value of those things meant nothing to them.  Luke the historian tells us that the value was found to be 50,000 pieces of silver!  Here's how he summed it up in Acts 19:20, "So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed (ischuo)."  To me, as a missionary dependent upon the prayers of God's people, it is thrilling to know when the Spirit of God is moving, the Word of God, the preaching, the exposition of Truth and even the printed Gospel message will be victorious!  The message of the Gospel 'can do', because of God's power.

But there are a couple of things about 'ischuo' in the negative case that are also interesting.  Acts 6 tells of the powerful, anointed preaching of Stephen.  Verse 10 says that the people in opposition to the Gospel (those who killed him) "...were not able (not ischuo) to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake."

Perhaps the most powerful of all, Revelation 12:7 and 8 tells us that there was war in heaven.  Michael and the angels of God fought against the dragon, Satan, and his angels.  But notice this:  Satan and his demons "...prevailed (ischuo) not..."  The next few verses give us one of the most victorious, uplifting, and encouraging passages in all the Word of God!

So, when God's people pray sincerely and earnestly, anything can be accomplished.  Repentance and the abandonment of sin and wickedness will prevail in our ministry.  The darkness of Hinduism, Islam, and any other form of spiritual slavery will be unable to resist the Truth.  And, by the matchless grace of God, even the enemy of our soul and the accuser of the brethren can not stand against God's power and might!  

"...upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."  Jesus summed it up very clearly, didn't He?  The Kingdom of Darkness can not withstand the might of a God-empowered church that wages war against it!

This is why we want you to be aware of what is transpiring in the ministry of Beyond Frontiers.  We appreciate so much the value and strength of your earnest prayers.  There is so much more of which we need to inform you. For now, please visit the website and sign up for our email reports while you're there if you don't already receive them.  We'll be sharing some powerful things that are happening right now in India and Beyond!  God is building His Kingdom!

May God bless you,

Beyond Frontiers




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