Endeavoring to Answer a Request

Greetings to you!  Thank you so much for taking the time to view the new blog from Beyond Frontiers.  It is an honor to share with you the wonderful things that God is doing in this missionary ministry around the world.  Your prayers and concern are vital to the work God has called Beyond Frontiers to accomplish.

This blog is a long-overdue attempt to answer the requests of many who have asked for a more timely report about activities and events unfolding in this ministry.  For years Beyond Frontiers has relied upon the printed version of our newsletter to inform you, the readers, of the work that is being accomplished.  Many have asked for more frequent communications that would give further information.  Recently Beyond Frontiers has revived the use of group emails to our friends and supporters but even this has not been without incident.  So, this blog is intended to satisfy the need for direct communication with those who are interested and yet not overwhelm your Inbox with added emails.

We may send occasional emails as circumstances dictate, but, this post will be available for you at your convenience.  We trust it will be helpful to many who wish to read more about God's wonderful hand we are seeing at work.

Please realize this is our first attempt at blogging.  We do not expect this to become a daily medium of information exchange with you.  In fact, this is only a test over the next few weeks to see if it is something that is workable for Beyond Frontiers and helpful or interesting to you.  Please, feel free to respond to the email account herein named, Beyondfrontiers2011@gmail.com , or our other email accounts that are published in our newsletters and email communications.  We really do value your input and would like this to be a blessing to you.  You are such a blessing to us.

One final note for you, our dear friends and readers.  Because of missionary activities in various places where we prefer to remain unnamed, please do not make reference to our family or our names when you respond to this blog.  Please feel free to make contact with us via our other means of communication.  This blog is meant for general information about our missions work without endangering our ministry or contacts in many places that may not welcome Christian missionary work.   We trust you understand.

Please do not post copies of these blog pages on any other web page or medium that might associate Beyond Frontiers to our personal family or names.

God bless you,

Beyond Frontiers


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