The Word of God Is Not Bound!
II Timothy 2:8-10
Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel: Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of God is not bound. Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sakes, that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory.
The unbound message of truth! |
A few weeks ago, a Hindu Brahman accepted the Lord. He was baptized in water sometime thereafter. For a short while, there were no evident problems. But... as you can imagine, things eventually came to be known by those around him. His brothers found out of his decision and began to react angrily. Now our new brother in Christ is learning of the cost of following Jesus.
Others have been won to the Lord and are now growing in grace. One soul that had been won to the Lord a while back was baptized in water secretly for fear of family reprisals. But recently, the pastor of this believer asked me, "Is it OK if they are baptized a second time? They now want to let everyone know that they have decided to follow Jesus."
Finding their way into tens of thousands of hands, homes and hearts. |
Finally, let me share a prayer request with you that is related to the theme of today's blog post:
There are literally millions of Indians who are working throughout the Middle East. In one small church where we minister in India, there is a large number of believers who are also working in the same region.
One of those believers works in Kuwait along with 647,000 other Indians! Most of these workers are in the lowest of positions in the workforce. This dear sister has been home in India for Christmas holidays but she is now ready to return to Kuwait to resume her job.
She has been stirred in her heart and is now taking a large number of the Gospel tracts back with her for distribution there. Her pastor has written to request special prayer for her as she returns. I'm sure you can imagine the potential for trouble should something happen. The tracts are in the language of Telugu which is the target audience she is trying to reach. But, one side of the tract is printed in English. Of course, English is a language that could be read and understood by Kuwaitis as well!
Two sides to the same prayer request: 1) Pray for our sister that God will protect her and enable her to arrive safely with the literature. I trust that since it is in Telugu, that it may be acceptable since the average Kuwaiti (Muslim--so they would be prohibited from receiving the literature) cannot read the Indian language. But, should some of these tracts fall into the hands of Muslims due to the English version, pray that God will protect the sister from harm.
2) I surely pray that our sister will be preserved in this matter. At the same time, if God would permit the message to fall into the hands of Muslims, it would be a tremendous opportunity to reach souls since they can almost all read English.
So, the two prayer requests, are really just two sides to the same issue. God certainly understands. And He knows how best to work His divine will. Thank you for your prayers.
Beyond Frontiers
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