Praise God!   Ministry is going well in India!

God has blessed this week with a wonderful Pastoral Family meeting.  Many pastors and their wives were touched greatly by the power of the Holy Spirit.  

It was refreshing to see so many weeping openly as they called upon God to send the Holy Ghost upon them in their lives and their ministries.  

I wish to thank each of you, our friends, on this wonderful Thanksgiving Day.  The only turkey I had today was some "lemon-garlic turkey jerky" that I found real cheap in the US before I came.  No stuffing, no cranberry sauce, no mashed potatoes and gravy, no pumpkin pie.... But I did take the time today to tell God how thankful we are for each of you.  We earnestly pray that He will bless each of you today.  It is a marvelous blessing to know that so many like you are praying and pleading with God to move in the hearts and lives of those here in India.    Thank you for your friendship and your concern for God's work in India.

May God bless you abundantly.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Beyond Frontiers  


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