هدف از زندگی چیست؟
What is the Purpose of Life?

It's just a simple question. So far, it has cost a poor, Indian pastor his life as he distributed this tract in an effort to reach his village for Christ. Through that example, many more pastors and church members in India have been challenged to faithful and sacrificial service to the Lord.  

But the story doesn't end there. It goes on. Now, it goes on not only in the five languages which we're printing in India, but it also spreads across the broader canvas of the Middle East. Let me explain:

The title above is actually the language of Farsi (Persian). Spoken by over 110 million people in the world today, it is the language of Iran and some of her neighbors. We have now officially completed the translation of this tract and are ready to publish it! How this came about is truly a miraculous story. But let me just share one little story.

We actually are in the third revision of the tract for the Persian language. Each translator or reviewer was a part of the story. Yet, the final link in a long chain of events actually began five years ago.

A Persian (Iranian) man and his wife drove past the church of one of my friends in Virginia five years ago. She told her husband, "Oh, Honey, that church is so pretty! I want to work for that church some day!" Of course, her husband thought it was a crazy notion.

But by the broad-reaching and long-stretching grace of God, they were referred to us by a mutual friend recently for the purpose of translation. As we arranged to meet with them for the first time, imagine their surprise when they followed the GPS direction and were directed right into the driveway of the same church she had longed to be a part of for five long years!  

What is better is that their lives have been touched by the tracts. Already, they have spread the word near (to family here in the USA) and far (family still residing in Iran)! The testimony is one of tears and conviction in almost every one with whom they have shared the message. 

In closing, please pray that God will continue to powerfully use these Gospel tracts to reach souls in India, Iran, and around the world!

God is able to move mountains in order to place His Word into the hands of hungry souls.

Beyond Frontiers


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