Your Prayers

Narendra Modi, 65 year old Prime Minister of India.

     If you receive our email updates, you know that our son has been in need of your prayers recently due to a recurring illness. At the moment, he has recovered, and we thank God for that. We also thank you for your continued prayers.

     We also would like to ask for your prayers for the land of India. God willing, Pastoral training will resume within 48 hours. We'll be meeting with large groups of Pastors in many parts of a two-state section of India. Pastors that are suffering much persecution will be visiting from a third state to participate in the trainings. We covet your prayers.  We need a tremendous break through of the Holy Spirit among the pastors.

     Also, we earnestly pray that you will remember the political state of India at this time. We all know that danger is increasing all over the world. This is to be expected as we draw closer to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The ruling party in India (BJP) is very strongly aligned with the Hindu religion. The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi (in the photo above), has declared that by 2021 India should be converted to a 100% Hindu nation.  

     As you know, our ministry has recently experienced two violent examples of the dangers existing in the work in India. Now Hindu extremists are becoming more emboldened by the rise in their political fortunes and are pushing harder to enforce Hindu practices in the nation. They are passing legislation to outlaw "conversion" from Hinduism to another religion like Christianity. Pastors and believers both need the power of the Spirit in order to face the future.

     Of course, radical Islam is certainly in the focus of the world at the moment. While that is understandable, it is also easy for the world to remain silent about the suffering of believers in India. Please remember India at this time.

     Please pray that God will continue to bless the literature outreach here. Just today a Muslim woman I met while someone was giving me directions, happily accepted two of the tracts in order to learn more about the love of God. Encounters like these are the most powerful way to place the Gospel message into the hands of hungry souls!

May God bless you,

Beyond Frontiers


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