"...Shall Doubtless Come Again With Rejoicing..."
An evangelistic service at night for villagers after daytime tract distribution. |
Psalm 126:6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
Over the years, I've seen this verse played out over and over again. Sometimes the "weeping" part had been more sustained and intense than at others. And sometimes the "rejoicing" part was accompanied by larger or smaller quantities of "sheaves". But in the ministry right now in India, I don't think I've ever personally seen a harvest this abundant!
Just to give you an idea of a little of what God has done, let me name a few of the testimonies. Near the beginning of the literature campaign, there was a Hindu priest to their god Ganesh (the elephant-headed god) who responded to the message of salvation in the literature. His testimony was that he had spent many years in darkness. He left his position of priest and followed Jesus! Now, he hopes to become a school teacher.
A Muslim in Kuwait who received the literature has fallen in love with Jesus. Now he can hardly wait until he gets to go home to India in May so that he can freely be baptized in water. He wants to give testimony publicly of his new found faith. He had always respected Jesus, but never knew that Jesus was God.
Then there is "Kiran and Ratna" (not their actual names). This Indian husband and wife are working in Kuwait. They've started a church there now and have about 50 people attending their worship services! They can do this semi-openly only because they are foreigners and not Kuwaiti citizens (Muslims). The literature that was taken into the country is helping them reach fellow Indians living there. (Pray that it spills over to Kuwaiti nationals as well!)
And finally, the English KJV Bibles we mentioned needing in one of our emails. One of our dear friends gave money to provide those. They are today being used by university students! Since these students come from all over India, English is their only common language. They were so affected by the tracts they read that they formed a Bible study on campus. It is strictly forbidden by school authorities, but, nevertheless, the Word of God is changing hearts! Only a pastor's daughter and the Holy Spirit are present to give instruction and direction to the young ladies. They are not allowed to even text or email or have cell phones. So, the pastor's daughter has to write a letter home when she encounters a question by one of the Hindu girls that she can't answer. But, the Word of God is not bound!
We want you to know your prayers and sacrificial support are making eternal differences in the lives of countless souls! May God bless you abundantly for all you are doing in His Kingdom.
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