Look carefully at the two photos. What do you see? |
Bearing Precious Seed
Psalm 126:6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.
What do you see in the two photos above? Both have the same things in the photo: Seeds.
On the left are seeds that sustain physical life. They provide protein, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins to keep your body healthy and thriving. On the right are Gospel tracts that are "seeds" for spiritual life and vitality. These seeds are definitely beginning to germinate and produce new life.
You've read here and perhaps in our emails about the printing of Gospel literature in which we are now involved. God is marvelously leading the way and the Holy Spirit is working deeply in the hearts of the lost with these "seeds". Almost a perfect likeness of the Biblical parable of the seeds sown, some have no doubt fallen on stony ground. But, we rejoice that a good number are falling in soil that has been broken, watered and prepared for a spiritual harvest!
The deep, spiritual work that God does in the hearts of men and women is something that cannot be easily seen with the human eye. I know that. And I also know that there are dangers in counting "numbers" when talking about ministry and soul winning in particular. With those cautions in place, let me share some of the news of what is already happening with this literature.
One of countless Christmas and New Year's meetings. |
One such was a Brahmin (I told you about this one in another correspondence). He recently came to the Pastor and reassured him of his decision to follow Christ and to be baptized in water. Today on New Year's Eve is that scheduled baptismal service. He expressed to the Pastor that his firm commitment was to see many other Brahmins brought to the feet of Jesus. If only you knew of the difficulty it is for this traditionally antagonistic caste of people to respond to the Gospel. It is with great rejoicing that we thank God for all He is doing in the hearts of the Indian people.
Also, I want to express my sincere appreciation to you for being one of the readers of this blog. Without your interest, there would be no one with whom we could share these victories. And without your prayers, there would probably be very few victories to report. But, because you care and because you are willing to lift our names and ministry up before the Lord, you too will share in the rewards that await every faithful servant of the Lord someday.
Thank you, dear friend, for the support you have given throughout this wonderful year of 2014. May God bless you for all of your sacrifice and dedication. Your faithfulness is a constant source of encouragement to us in the ministry God has called us to accomplish. We count your involvement as a vital part of God's great work in India and around the world.
New blessings produce new opportunities:
Many of those getting saved have immediately asked for Bibles. Just yesterday we placed an order in India for 500 complete Bibles to have on hand for the new converts. Please observe the words of the Apostle Paul in II Thessalonians 3:1, "Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you:"
If you will help us pray just as this verse directs, I know that the Word of Life in written form will penetrate the hearts of more and more Hindus so that a massive harvest of souls will become a reality. We close this year with great thanksgiving and greater expectations of what lies ahead in fruitful ministry before Jesus returns!
With sincere prayer that God will grant you a very blessed Year 2015, we remain,
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