There is Good News in the Gospel
Good News!
A woman searching for something in the market place. Really, she is searching for so much more and she just doesn't recognize it. |
I arrived home safely from the Middle East and am now leaving for India. God was so gracious to me while there and I learned so much. I know there is so much more to learn. I was received very well by the local people of all three monotheistic religions. God opened many hearts to the Gospel.
While I was in the country, there were many tensions on every side. But, actually, things flared substantially the day after I left the country. Since that time, it seems all kinds of tragedies have taken place -- much of it is within a 5 minute walk of where I was staying. I praise God for giving me safety and protection while I was traveling. Please pray for the people who are truly in need of this " great salvation..." (Hebrews 2:3) that you and I enjoy by God's grace and mercy.
Let me share with you three of the main things that stirred my heart while I was in the Land of the Bible:
- I went with the primary goal of learning more about ministry to Muslims. I wanted to see what God was doing and how He was moving to bring salvation to those who long for a freedom that Islam can never bring. I saw that, experienced that and learned so much. I will share more with you later about this primary aim of my ministry time there.
- The second thing that affected me very deeply was the need and condition in the Arab church. Yes, these are people that are believers. Many have left the old-line churches of the Armenian, Greek and Roman traditions. Some have left Islam and come to know Christ. But the thing that is heart wrenching is to experience the anger, bitterness and contempt that many hold toward Israel and the Jewish people. Angry over many things; real injustices and perceived injustices. Some things committed in the current hour and others, from the time of their grandparents or before. Because of this, spiritual healing and renewal cannot take place. Therefore, the local churches never will experience what Jesus intended and what He freely offers to all who will cast their cares upon Him.
Jewish family praying at the Western Wall against some of the stones that Herod the Great put in place 20 years or so before Jesus was born. |
May God raise up men and women who will surrender themselves and carry the true Gospel of salvation to all three of these groups!
I would ask you to pray for us as we return to train and prepare pastors in India. I will be holding the first part of our Pastoral training program for an entirely new group of men this time that are from city that I've never ministered in before. Also, please ask God to raise up workers who are dedicated and consecrated for the sake of the Gospel in the land of India.
Beyond Frontiers
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