Return to the USA

Two of our graduates who are doing great things for God.
Pastor Mowgli, left and Pastor Cornell, right.  Both
have pioneered churches since graduating from our
training program.  
     I just arrived home from India on Saturday.  God's blessings were very apparent throughout the entire time of ministry in India.  I am extremely grateful to each of you for your prayers while we were laboring.

     While in India, I was able to address pastors in the northern state of Punjab, the extreme southern state of Kerala, and numerous places "at home" in Andhra Pradesh."  It was exciting to see firsthand the way that God moved as we ministered to more pastors than ever before.  Surely God is opening many doors for us in the land of India.

Newsletter On The Way
     Our latest newsletter was sent to the printer today.  We hope to have those back and in the mail by Christmas, Lord willing.  May God bless you as you read to see some of the things God did in the last two months.  

See the Elephant that we got to visit in Kerala!

May God bless you,

Beyond Frontiers


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