Back on track again!

Just a note to let you know that we've finally "caught up" with technology for a moment and are back online.   Apologies for our tardiness are sincere, but probably not helpful since it's been so long.  Thank you for your patience.

Ministry in India continues to grow.  My wife and I just returned last month from India.  God blessed and I was able to graduate another class of pastors.  There were 63 graduates this time, Praise the Lord! We are grateful to Him for allowing us to work with this group over the last several months.

Also, our newest copy of the printed newsletter is out now.  If you have not received it, please let us know.  We'll be happy to send it to you.  Just email us and let us know.  We can also send you a copy in PDF.  

We're trying to upgrade our ability to communicate with a large group of you via special email software.  If you'd like to subscribe, you may do so below.  We trust this will allow us to give you more information in a more timely basis.
May God bless you,

Beyond Frontiers

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