The hopelessness and despair are palpable everywhere you meet Venezuelan refugees.  Two mothers today with tiny children cried as I told them of the love of the Savior.  Abandoned by everyone, it was hard for them to imagine the love of God was certain and secure.

    "Eight days..."  "Three months..."  "Recently..."  "A long time..."  How many more quotes could I give to let you know of the wild and varied responses you'll hear when asking how long they've been in Colombia.  Venezuelans are everywhere.  

    On the main plazas and the city parks you won't see them in nearly as large numbers as before.  COVID and police regulations keep them from gathering in large groups.  But when you walk the surrounding streets and narrow passage ways, they're still there.  And there are more coming all the time.  The nearby river has been out of its banks recently due to heavy, unseasonal rains.  So, the crossings have slowed a little.  But two days without rain and here they come again.  I met some today who came from a community not far from where our church still sits in the slums of southwestern Caracas.  Almost daily I meet people from towns and cities of Venezuela we never knew existed when we lived there!
    A little food offered to the refugees brings far more gratitude than was customary for many Venezuelans from years gone by.  But the wretched source of their problems still remain.  They blame the corrupt.  They blame the rich.  They blame the politicians.  They blame the thugs and thieves.  But few of them will argue when you tell them the real source of their problem is sin.  

    And the answer for all the vastness of their need is Jesus.  I talked today about the unfaithfulness and the undependability of humans in the hour of our great need.  But what a joy it was to tell them of the absolute faithfulness of the Savior!  His love shown to us even while we were His enemies was the point that pricked one woman's heart.   Please pray for the Spirit of God to pierce through the darkness in countless more hearts.

Thank you for praying!

Beyond Frontiers


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