Year End Rejoicing!

     Year 2016 is almost behind us. Soon, it will be closed and we'll be able to do nothing to change what transpired. That is the sad reality of a year that is gone. It reminds us to take care each day to do all we can for God's Kingdom.

     2016 may be almost gone. You may or may not be happy that it has passed. But, Beyond Frontiers wants to say this year has been one of the finest we've ever seen in ministry! God has worked so many miracles. Thank you for being such a valuable part of our ministry this year.

     First of all, God has given us the ability to print and distribute more than 3 million pieces of Gospel literature this year! An innumerable host of souls have received a clear message of salvation and we are grateful to God for this wonderful opportunity. Countless of those responded with personal questions, phone calls, text messages and further inquiries of how they might be born again.

     Secondly, God has allowed us to translate all of the Gospel tracts into the language of Farsi (Iranian language of Persian) and two of them into Arabic.  With these we are working to reach many Muslims who are in need of salvation. Thank you for praying for these two needs!

Some of the money that was
cancelled, the long lines, and
the fury that followed.
     Finally, we want to express thanks to God for helping us this year overcome a major problem in the work in India. As you may know if you read our emails that we send out, the Government of India made a shocking move in November and cancelled almost 90% of the Indian currency notes.  Things are still in turmoil in the nation's money supply. Yet God mercifully helped us and the teaching and training of Pastors continued without interruption!

     Yes, it truly has been amazing. We are so grateful for God's blessings and for your partnership in prayer and support for our ministry. Thank you for all that you do. Your sacrifice is not unnoticed by an All-seeing God in Heaven.  

     Please continue to pray for the work we are trying to do in India and beyond. Time is so short and we want to make every effort count for the work of soul winning. God is opening greater doors each day as we reach out all around.

     If you would like to take advantage of the opportunity to donate in the calendar year of 2016, you have one more day to do so.  There are many ways your gift can be a tremendous benefit at this time of year. We want to position ourselves to take advantage of growing opportunities for literature outreach throughout India.  God is saving many souls and we want to begin the new year full-speed ahead!

     If you wish, you may take advantage of the Donate button to at the middle lefthand side of this window. By clicking there, you will be able to donate via PayPal. We appreciate your generosity.

May God richly bless you and give you a wonderful New Year!

Beyond Frontiers



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