Spreading the Truth

Some of the millions who have travelled from 
across India and the world to bathe in the sacred
Godavari River. For Hindus, this is a special, 
once-in-12-years-chance to wash away their sins.   

(Photo provided by local newspaper photographer.)

     On Thursday of last week as we reported, the planned literature outreach was completed during the massive Hindu Pushkaram in South India. Still millions more continue to come for their chance to find forgiveness of sin by bathing in the muddy waters. 

     There are still several more days of the festival that remain. The local brothers have joined together and are printing a few more thousand copies in order to take advantage of the last remaining days. Their hearts have been  greatly affected by the results they've experienced. God has shown them again and again His power and ability to do the impossible.

     The last tracts were passed out in the train station to the Hindi-speaking pilgrims coming from North India. Now that people have had time to finish their pilgrimage and return to their homes, the phone calls are beginning to come.  Hundreds of calls have come in from Hindi speakers just in the last few days!

     Also, pastors in another state of India have responded well to the literature. After sharing with them the things God is doing, they have eagerly joined with us to distribute tracts in their localities. God is continuing to spread the vision among more and more leaders. 

     We wish to thank you for remembering the work here in your prayers. We are amazed at the things God is doing. Prayer is undoubtedly the key. We're believing God to continue to expand His work all across the nation of India.

Beyond Frontiers

An offering to the gods and goddesses of 
the river.

Every imaginable form of tribal worship is 
on display during pushkaram.



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