Only Three More Tracts to Go!

     By the Grace of God we want to report to you that we are moving steadily toward our goal of 1,000,000 tracts in the Telugu language! At this point, I have two waiting to go to the printer and I still need to write one more. It has been such an incredible blessing to see God working in marvelous ways.  

      We wish to thank each of you who have prayed for this aspect of ministry. In one night alone, my Indian co-worker put his phone on silent so he could sleep through the night peacefully. When he awakened in the morning 52 people had called through the night seeking more information about Jesus Christ and salvation! This has been nothing less than amazing. The latest tract to go to the printer was entitled, "Who is this Jesus of Nazareth?"  The next two are, "What must I do to be saved?" and "The Lost Sheep".  Messages like these would seem so simple to you perhaps, but it is that very simplicity that Indians grasp and respond to so well. Please, please, join us in prayer that the anointing of the Holy Ghost will draw hearts and give understanding so that they might be saved. 

     At a recent event where the state government estimated that 700,000 people were in attendance, our brothers and sisters in the Lord were able to set up a booth where they could freely give away literature. They gave away over 100,000 tracts and countless people prayed for salvation! Other pastors who are using the literature have reported hundreds of people being saved. We rejoice in the work that is taking place but we know that Satan is not pleased. We do not want to be ignorant of his devices. We recognize that only the power of the Spirit can break the chains of darkness and sin.

     I'm sure you understand that a true born-again experience is so much more than just "repeating a prayer". This is why we are asking you to pray mightily for those whose lives are being touched by the printed message. India is a land that has been in slavish devotion to millions of false gods for 5 millennia. Satan will not cede a single soul without spiritual war.  While it has nothing to do with our tract distribution, a pastor in the neighboring state of Chhattisgarh was murdered recently and his church destroyed by those who live in darkness. We need God's protection and overshadowing as our brethren and sisters work to distribute these tracts. You can see by the photos above masses of people that travel to these large events. Radical groups are careful to monitor these kinds of things with the hope of exploiting the situation for their own ends. May God keep His hand upon our Christian brothers and sisters.

     We purchased another 500 Bibles a couple of days ago for distribution to the new believers who are endeavoring to press on in the things of the Lord. Would you please help us in arming these spiritual children with the Word of God? For a little less than $3, we can put a full Bible into the hands of someone who has responded to the Gospel message and is ready to grow. Feeding upon the Word of God will strengthen and empower them to grow up in Christ.

     There's so much more to share, but I should wait until another day! We love and appreciate you. May God bless you for your prayers!

Beyond Frontiers


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