Don't they all seek salvation?
They come to die... |
It really does sound appealing at first. The one thing that motivates you and me is Salvation. So, why wouldn't we be moved by the thought that millions are seeking the same thing?
Maybe the reason we're not moved is this: Yes, the Hindus also seek for salvation. That's good. But the tragedy is, they are seeking for in the wrong way and in the wrong place.
As in the photo above, there are many places in India where someone (usually some caring individual, or a greedy one... it's hard to determine which sometimes....) opens a house near a "holy" shrine or a temple or a river. Because of the proximity to the shrine or holy place, the idea is that people will come when their lives are about over and they are out of other options.
For a small fee, they can live in the house for a couple of weeks. The assumption is that when they die so close to the holy place or shrine, surely they will go straight to the Hindu heaven. Of course, if you aren't sick enough to die within the first week or two.... you'll have to make other arrangements and move on.
Thousands of people use these "houses of hope" every year. They are seeking salvation, or, moksha. But, because so many have never heard, they don't know true salvation only comes through Jesus Christ. They believe that the location of their body at the point of death will be enough to pull them through the judgement and send them to heaven. It must be a different heaven from the one we know, because where you die is not what brings salvation to the human soul.
It's not where you die, but how you die that really matters. Did you die surrounded by friends? Did you die as a man well-loved by his community? Did you die with a large sum of money in your bank account? Sorry, but none of those are what we really matters.
The important issue is: Did you die with the blood of Jesus applied to your heart and covering your sins? Or, did you vainly trust in some cunningly devised fable or some ancient legend? Only the blood of Jesus is sufficient to save a man or woman from sin!
This is why we go. This is what we tell. Jesus is the answer for every need in the world today. He is mighty and powerful and eager to save. His blood is sufficient for every sin in the heart of man. But, it is only applied to those who recognize their sinful state and turn helplessly to Him for cleansing! If we could save ourselves, we wouldn't need Him. But we can not.
We watched it happen in India just a few days ago. As my wife and I took a group of men and women to minister in the churches, we noticed just how impacted the locals were by the story of Jesus' crucifixion. Children were wiggling, squirming, talking and more. At least, they were right up to the moment that the soldiers began to beat Jesus and crucify Him. At that moment, the gasps and seriousness that settled over them demonstrated the power of God to work His will in their lives.
Hallelujah! We have so much for which we should be thankful. We have known the joy of sins forgiven and the constant love and friendship of a Master Who will never leave nor forsake us.
If you ask me, that sounds like an ideal reason to go and tell the message to the whole world! Everywhere. Everybody. Just as quickly as you can.
I'd like to ask for special prayer over the next few weeks. Soon I will be leaving to visit a country very much in the news of late. I want to know that God is leading and guiding me very clearly. I will be spending much time among Muslims and trying to learn how better to reach them. Would you join in asking God for His anointing? Would you ask Him to penetrate the darkness of hearts and let His light shine upon the souls of men, women and children who have no idea of God's wonderful salvation?
I will be depending upon your prayers,
Beyond Frontiers
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