We Have A Winner!

I’m happy to announce that we do have a winning response from the contest posted in the Blog on April 15th.  I was happy to receive the very first email with the correct answer from one of our longtime friends in Virgina.  Congratulations are in order for Bro. Matt Sponaugle.  Like the rest of us, he may very well need someone else to help him figure his taxes each year.  But he did awfully well on deciphering the current high temperatures in India where ministry is going on right now.

As promised, as soon as I get back to the USA, I’ll be mailing the Indian souvenir to Bro. Matt.  I hope he likes it!  Thanks for responding to the little fun contest.  May God bless you, Bro. Matt, for your faithful reading of the blog and your prayer for our family in the work of the Lord.

Tuesday, 106;   Wednesday, 108, etc.
To show all of the readers the correct answers for each day’s calculation of the daily high temperature, I told you I had made a screen print from the first day on the list.  In case you tried to figure the temperatures and wanted to check your answers, here they are:

Today is marked as Crucifixion Day here in many of the churches.  There are special services in many places.  This afternoon, I was asked to preach for two hours on the Seven Sayings of Jesus from the Cross.  It really wasn’t that long, though, since they had me speak on them one at a time and had prayer and a song between each one.  

In spite of the fact that it was me preaching, my heart was convicted as I revisited the horrible suffering that the Savior endured for my sins.  The presence of the Lord was in the house this afternoon as the people sat as still as I’ve ever seen a congregation sit in India.  God was reaching for sinners as well as for the hearts of His children.  

Within a few minutes I’ll be leaving to go to this evening’s service at the last church for today.  Then, Sunday, Resurrection Day, is certainly a big day here in India.  I pray your Sunday services will be blessed with the power and victory of the One Who rose from the dead as Victor!  

May God bless you.  Thank you so much for your prayers.  

Beyond Frontiers


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