3 Seconds = 7 Hours

Spelling errors will be forgiven, I hope...  I'm typing with 9 fingers.  I still have all 10, thanks to the Lord, but one is wrapped up and out of commission for now.  

Crowded stand of large bamboo.
I was cutting a 5 inch diameter bamboo about 35 feet tall yesterday.  The one I wanted was in the middle of several others, so, I was cutting with the machete in a downward motion on all sides.  That left the bamboo extremely sharp on the edges.  

Once cut, it continued to stand upright because it was tangled above.  I reached under it to lift upward to carry it out of the mass of other bamboo.  I carried it a few feet and went to set it down since it was quite heavy and painful for my fingers.  

As I set it down in the mud by the river, the trunk sunk into the soft muck.  It sank in before I could pull my left index finger out!  I knew I was in trouble but was able to hug the bamboo and lift it enough with my right arm to get my finger out.  Alas, the damage  was done!  I had a deep cut across the width of my index finger right in the bend of the first knuckle.  

I washed it as best I could and bandaged it.  The local primary school in the jungle was kind enough to give me some bandages.  Those with the world famous duct tape, worked well and I was in business.  The Naso neighbors were very helpful in my accident and it a gave me great opportunity to minister to several.  

Bandaged finger.
Today I went to town for a Tetanus shot.  The 7 hour wait was  almost as painful as the damaged finger!  You know the routine, "Please step to Window number 1!" There, you're told to go to Window number 2.... Then 3, then 4, then 5, then 6.... You get the point.   I was on Window number 9 seven hours later with a re-opened wound, cleaned and dressed and a tetanus shot in my arm.  

By the time everything else was finished, I missed my ride back up river.  But, I did meet some interesting people today and enjoyed God's goodness in many ways.  I'm especially grateful to have my finger already healing!  I do appreciate your prayers for the next week as it continues mending.

May God bless you,

Beyond Frontiers


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