Mama! Where are you?
“Hi, Mom! I’m home!”
“Mom! Mom? …Mama! Where are you?!!!”
My mother just celebrated her birthday recently. It made me think back about the important influence Mom had on my life as a child. How many times I busted through the screen door as a boy with those very words on my lips! By the third or fourth call, the formal “Mom” turned into the more serious, “Mama!” When I worried about anything, “Mom” always became “Mama.”
Perhaps you were the same way. But what about those who never have the opportunity of crying out, “Mama, where are you?” Well, perhaps I should rephrase that. What about those who probably do cry out, but never have any hope that Mama will answer?
God has been moving mightily in the ministry of Beyond Frontiers. Last year, God enabled us to send two young ladies to India for five months! While there, they were focused upon preparing a group of 22 orphan children to begin their education in English. It has been our desire for a very long time to establish a Christian School in the region of India where our work is concentrated.
The ladies have completed their initial mission and are now looking forward to returning by the help of the Lord. We are excited to see this development and we rejoice at God providing workers for a growing work in India.
The Spirit of the Lord has burdened our hearts with the orphans of India. There are millions. It seems to be a daunting task in every way you look at it. But, God has brought 22 orphans into our lives and ministries and we are committed to starting right here with these.
For two years now, our Pastoral Training Center has also served as the home for this small group of orphans. Many of our friends have provided for beds, equipment, clothing and food for these orphans through our ministry Beyond Frontiers as well as the ministries of these two young ladies (THEM Int’l and WTI Int’l). We are so grateful to you for your sacrifice and care for these precious children.
At this time, Beyond Frontiers has committed to this orphan work on a much larger scale. We have made a one year commitment to provide food and a basic education for these little ones. We believe God has directed our steps and we are willing to follow.
While my work in training pastors continues unabated, we are broadening our our reach through this ministry commitment to the orphans. By doing so, we believe that God is going to give us a greater impact on the souls and future generation in India.
Most of these children have simply been abandoned by their parents. Some come from unimaginable situations. But all deserve to be love for the sake of the Savior. They may not have the chance to come home and expect their birth mother to be waiting for them, but they do deserve to have someone waiting for them who loves them, cares for them and is committed to providing for them. My mother folded up her apron and laid it aside while baking cookies. Then, she took me by the hand and we went to her bedside where she led me to Jesus. For this alone I owe everything to Mama. These little children deserve to have someone there to do the same for them. Their lives will never be the same.
We have already begun our funding to this Orphan Project through our Tabitha Fund. For the course of the following 12 months, we need approximately $15,000.00 in order to provide food, rudimentary medical care and education for these children. This is, of course, a minimal amount that will provide only the most basic elements needed to sustain them. There are special projects that we’d like to complete along the way as God provides.
I am asking you today to do something substantial in helping us meet this need. We have carefully considered the costs and we have several years of experience in India now which prepare us better for budgeting and accomplishing such a work in this country. Our commitment is not simply financial. We will be intimately involved in managing both the orphanage and school. Our burden is to see that God’s provision will stretch as far as possible in meeting the many needs of these children.
Would you join with us in the care and training of these children? Your gift of $290 will feed and educate all of the children in the children’s home for a week. This is our greatest need at the present. If you are interested in taking on a special project such as clothing, school uniforms, desks and basic school furniture and equipment, please, take time today to email and ask for more information.
May God bless you for the love you show to “the least of these” who cannot repay you. But the rewards of Heaven will make your sacrifice worth everything!
Beyond Frontiers
P. S. You can donate right now by clicking on the DONATE Button near the upper lefthand side of this page. You can easily make it a recurring gift if you would like to do so. Or, you may email and we will happily share the mailing address with you. Every gift is a blessing as this work goes forward.
“Hi, Mom! I’m home!”
Millions of abandoned children are part of the sad story of India's long, long history. |
Some of the boys and girls to whom we're ministering. |
P. S. You can donate right now by clicking on the DONATE Button near the upper lefthand side of this page. You can easily make it a recurring gift if you would like to do so. Or, you may email and we will happily share the mailing address with you. Every gift is a blessing as this work goes forward.
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