"Just the facts ma'am, I want only the facts."  

    How many old detective stories were filled with words quite similar to those?  That was the stereotype when I was a boy.  When we played 'detectives', we'd repeat that line over and over again in our boyhood games.  

    I readily agree that "the facts" and statistics are not always the exact same things.  Having said that, let me give you some of the statistics.  I'm confident that you will be able to sort between the two and discover that in any case, there's overwhelming evidence to prove the need is incredible.  

    Here are some things to consider hot off the presses from the Hindustan Times in today's issue,  January 25th :

  • India has the highest population of children below the age of 18 of any country in the world.
  • 41% of the Indian population are children.
  • About 20 million children living in India are orphaned.
  • Only about 4% of those have parents that are dead.  The rest have simply been abandoned.
  • 3.075 million live in the Northern Zone
  • 6.84 million live in the Central Zone
  • 3.628 millions live in Southern Zone (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu)   Andhra Pradesh is where our ministry has  mainly been concentrated.
  • 5.68 million live in the Eastern Zone
  • 2.22 million live in the Western Zone
  • Vast numbers of these are easily swallowed up into slavery and human trafficking

    I know that the question is not, "What does this matter to me?"  No readers of this blog could be that cold and heartless.  No, you're reading this blog because you love souls and you care deeply about the plight of people in this world. The real question is, "What does any of this mean to me?"

I think they enjoy Kim teaching
more than they enjoyed me!
    Well, it means many things.  First of all, it means that we have so much for which we must pray.  It means that you really do feel the need because you've continued to read through the dismal statistics.  

    It also means that your gifts and donations have not been in vain.  Your giving has been used not only for the training and preparation of pastors who will preach the Gospel to the lost of India, but your generous gifts have gone to feed, clothe, educate and provide urgent medical care for many who are the orphans hidden among all these sterile statistics.  This is part of the purpose of our Tabitha Fund.

Study time for the orphans!
    What does it mean to you?  It means that your sincere concern, prayer and sacrifice for these "little ones" that Jesus spoke lovingly about will never be forgotten.  We'll all stand together in the Kingdom of Heaven and listen and watch as you are rewarded for doing all that you have done.  

    We have so much for which we can be thankful.  Today, my family and I are especially thankful to you, God's people, for the generosity you've shown to "little ones" like these and many, many more.    Thank you for giving to those who truly have no one to care for their souls.  


Beyond Frontiers


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