Time Marches On

     Time is truly marching on.  We have so little time left it seems.  Just in the last three weeks we have buried two family members and one dear church friend.  As we consider it, we are all moving in that direction.  We will soon be in Eternity.  May God stir us to work while it is yet day!

     India awaits in the coming days.  Lord willing, we will commence the last class for this current group of Pastors in the middle of February.  At the close of classes, approximately 60 Pastors will be graduating.  It is a fulfillment of a dream for us, indeed.  Thanks to each and every one of you who have prayed and sacrificed for the sake of the Kingdom of God in India!  May God bless you richly.

     January is always a busy time for us here in the USA.  But, next month foreign ministry will begin.  We ask your prayers for this year of 2012.  We wish to see God move in a mighty way both in India and other ministries that are currently going on.  While the work is growing, there are still several burdens that God has placed upon our hearts and we desire to see all of His will accomplished.  We pray that God will enable us to surrender everything so that nothing stands between our will and His.  It may sound strange to you, but, missionaries are no different than anyone else.  We must surrender our will to the Master at every moment in order for Him to receive glory and honor.  One single thing that is not surrendered to Him can mean the difference between total victory and complete failure.  Our hearts are aware that His return is very near.  We want to be found doing the work of God in God's way.

   Sis. Francelina in Venezuela has still not been able to have the surgery.  They promised to operate this month, January, but a secondary infection has arisen and for now, things have been delayed again.  Please pray for God to work a miracle in her behalf.  

     For the last three years I have prayed that God would raise up a family willing to go work in Sudan to aid Bro. Garang that you have read about in our printed newsletters.  Praise the Lord, a couple has volunteered to go and help in establishing a training center for Sudanese Pastors!  I know it is a long road ahead for them to raise funds and prepare to go, but, thank God that someone has heard the call of the Lord of the Harvest!  

     Also, I have been praying for God to raise up a team of workers for India.  My desire is to see a Christian School established there.  I hope to take a team of both families and singles in June if God allows.  Please pray that God will burden the hearts of those who should be a part of the final group who will fulfill this ministry.

     I think William Carey, that great missionary to India 200 years ago, once said, "The future is as bright as the promises of God!"  We heartily agree.  But we know that even the brightest hopes require sweat, tears and sometimes blood, in order to see God's Kingdom advance victoriously.   We appreciate your prayers!  Willingness to pay the price is the key component.  We want to do our part.




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