Panama Ministry

Greetings to each of you, our friends today!  

Lord willing, within hours I depart for ministry in the jungle of Panama.  We are looking to see God do great and mighty things in the coming days.  We pray that God will send great revival among the people.  We ask you to pray with us toward this same end.

I want to make note that we still have not had contact again with Bro. Euclides.  Please pray much for him and Sis. Francelina as she continues to suffer with her kidneys.  We would love to see God do a mighty miracle of healing in her body.  Pray that God will keep them encouraged as they face the extended time questioning the pain and suffering she has gone through.  In the midst of this God is glorified by the faithfulness of His children.  

I want to thank those who have responded to the needs that Bro. Euclides and his family are facing with these physical problems.  May God bless you sacrifice and prayers.  Unless God heals Sis. Francelina, they are still in need of a financial miracle in order to have the funds needed for the operation.  Please continue to pray about this.  If you would like to help, but have not already done so, we encourage you to prayerfully consider sending a gift designated, "Francelina's Kidney Operation".

Time to pack my bags...  God bless you all,


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